Phillips, Erlewine, Given & Carlin LLP

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Firm obtains $1.2 million settlement in brain injury case

September 5, 2019 - On the eve of trial, firm partner Nick Carlin and associate Mike Levinson, along with co-counsel Zach Zwerdling, resolved the case of client Amanda Morettini, who was injured in a rear-end collision in San Leandro, California in July 2015. The client contended that she sustained a mild traumatic brain injury as a result of the accident. Defendants admitted liability but denied that she suffered any kind of brain injury. The matter was set for trial starting September 9th. Defendants attempted at the last minute to delay the trial for several months, but the firm opposed it and Alameda County Superior Court Judge Evelio Grillo denied the continuance. Two days before the trial was scheduled to start, the defendants agreed to pay $1.195 million. “This is a great result for the client,” Mr. Carlin said, “providing her with the means to address her ongoing injuries.” The parties gave notice of their settlement to Judge Grillo today.

If you are in need of a brain injury attorney, contact us today for a consultation.